Health and Beauty

Keys to success in 15 tips

Your work-sleep rhythm is likely off right now. Many employees and executives are being invited to work from home throughout the quarantine period. An obvious choice for freelancers and other freelancers, who are accustomed to this way of doing their job. But this may seem more difficult for those who are accustomed to the clear separation between professional life and private life… So how can you best succeed in this period of remote work, and even benefit from it in your future professional practice?

Create an accurate frame

Tip #1: Make sure your remote work tasks are clearly defined with your hierarchy. What sectors will you focus on (prospecting, monitoring, creative research, communications, etc.)? Will your working days and hours be the same as usual? This is essential to avoid creating misunderstandings and to respect the expectations and needs of both parties.

Set up your workspace

No, you can't work remotely while lying on your couch, with the TV on mute… The ideal, of course, is to have a desk or at least a corner of a table. Clean up your workspace and remove any distractions. Your “workstation” should be fun and inspire productivity and efficiency.

Look for natural light

If possible, try to sit near a window to take advantage of natural daylight. It is much better for morale and also to boost inspiration. Obviously, the brightness should not be too strong so as not to hamper the view of your screen.

If you choose artificial light, move the beam if necessary so that it is not direct and prefers “warm” rather than cool lighting. If your remote workspace doesn't benefit from natural light, feel free to take your light therapy lamp out of the closet for a few minutes of exposure.

Be clear with those around you

One of the biggest difficulties with remote work is managing other household residents. Your partner who interrupts you all the time, the elder who plays the music too loud, the two who argue over a toy while yelling… the joys of a confined family, in short!

Even if you live alone, the cat jumping on your lap and the dog excitedly offering you his ball can quickly become an obstacle to your concentration. There is no need to procrastinate: warn your family that while you are working, you are not allowed to be disturbed. If your beloved pets are distracting you, close the door!

Of course, if your spouse also works or you are a parent, you will need to reduce your peace of mind requirements… In this case, inform your management and colleagues that you have family restrictions that logically affect your productivity.

Determine timelines

We know that it is important to establish timelines to be effective. You don't have to style it exactly like your regular workday in the office. If you want to wake up a little later or take a longer break in the afternoon, that's no problem. The main thing is to be clear with yourself. Feel free to set alarms on your smartphone to motivate yourself to stick to your schedule.

Continue to dress

No to the CEO wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants during his video meeting! Before you go to work, take time to get dressed and freshen up, even if no one is watching. It's a good way to put yourself in “work” perspective, even without leaving the house.

Create a routine

Try repeating a small ritual every morning before going to work. A 10-minute newspaper review, a cup of hot coffee during a 5-minute meditation, a 20-minute yoga class… The same goes for leaving your job in the evening: a few stretches, 7 minutes breathing fresh air from your balcony, natural ambient music… These routines are proven to help you wake up in the morning and relieve work-related stress in the evening.

Take well-defined breaks

It can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between work time and free time or household chores when you are not used to working remotely. Golden rule? Only do one thing at a time.

When it works, it works. When you take a break, you take a break. No need to call the customer while preparing the meal and watching a series out of the corner of your eye…

Order office equipment

Don't have a printer or scanner and your computer mouse is broken? It is up to your company to provide you with the basic equipment so you can operate in the correct conditions. Feel free to order the equipment you need most.

Install the appropriate software

If you don't know them already, now is a good time to install software that will make your work and professional interactions easier. Trello for planning tasks, Slack for team communication, Hangouts for conferences… Don't hesitate to ask for training if needed with your company.

Keep in touch with colleagues

Many employees tend to withdraw into themselves and work alone in their own corner. However, you should definitely not cut off contact with your colleagues. Continue to regularly ask who is working on what. If this is not already the case, it is recommended to create a discussion group on your software or social network to stay in touch.

Stand out during video conferences

When you're not used to video conferencing, this exercise can sometimes be confusing. Don't let the distance of the screen intimidate you, present yourself as if you were in a real meeting. Make your voice heard, even if you're shy.

Don't neglect your health

Please note: Just because you are working remotely does not mean you are 100% available. Take time for yourself to heal your body and mind. Exercise is essential, especially during this period when we are inactive. Also, if you think you may be sick, do not hesitate to stop working completely and rest. Your health (and even your life) may depend on it.

To stay positive

It's not always easy to keep your spirits up during this difficult time. Non-working Wi-Fi, an awkward workstation, and impossible-to-reach colleagues can make remote work unbearable.

However, try as much as possible to see the glass as half full. Wouldn't it be nice to no longer have to take a car and public transportation, and to have more time to devote to your family and hobbies?

Be optimistic and smile, at least so as not to dampen the morale of the rest of the team. Be a reassuring and confident personality for your colleagues, as this will automatically put you in a good mood.

Why not continue working remotely?

Have you noticed that all these tips can be applied in the office as well? Maintain these newfound good habits when the quarantine period ends.

In the same vein, if you like working remotely, you can ask your company to stay at your home one day a week, for example.

Keys to success in 15 tips

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