Health and Beauty

The truth about this plant steroid

Trichosterone is a molecule that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, especially in the world of sports and bodybuilding. But what is it exactly? Where does this material come from? What are its real and potential effects? Let's check in.

What is trichosterone?

Trichosterone was discovered in the 1960s, but has only recently attracted interest in sports and nutrition.

It is a phytosteroid, more precisely A Ecdysteroidthis means a Steroid hormone It is found naturally in some plants and insects. It is found in particular in plants native to Central Asia Aguja TurkestanikaHence its name.

Chemically, trexosterone is close to sex hormones such as testosterone.

But when it comes to gene expression, it has been found that plant steroids do not bind to steroid receptors in humans and do not alter natural production. On the other hand, they act on signaling pathways such as protein synthesis. It is therefore suggested that phytosteroids can effectively replace steroids, because they will not produce the side effects that are usually observed when using the latter (acne, gynecomastia, aggressive behavior, high blood pressure, etc.).

In Russia and Bulgaria, athletes have long used it as a natural alternative to stimulants banned in sports.

Today, it is found in some supplements intended for athletes due to its supposed ergogenic effects.

Molecular representation of trichosterone.
Image source ©

Mechanism of Action

The exact mechanism of action of trexosterone is still not well understood. It works by binding to beta estrogen receptors in muscle cells, resulting in an increase in protein synthesis.

Another route has been mentioned: stimulating signaling pathways involved in the anabolic process such as mTOR or Akt.

It therefore stimulates muscle growth, reduces protein breakdown and inhibits the production of cortisol, a catabolic hormone. Therefore, the action of Turkosterone will be complex and multifactorial.

What are its effects?

Several studies, mostly conducted in animals, suggest that trexosterone may have properties Anabolic interesting(1)(2) :

  • Motivate the Protein synthesis And muscular development.
  • to improve Physical performance and endurance;
  • Speed ​​up the Recovery after the training
  • Strengthening Fat loss physical.

Research in humans is still at a preliminary stage, but some trials appear to confirm these promising effects.

Adaptive influences

Trichosterone is considered an adaptogen based on animal studies(3)like other plants such as ginseng or rhodiola.

Adaptogens help the body better resist stress, chronic fatigue, and changes. They restore balance and improve physiological functions. These properties make it a substance of interest to athletes who are exposed to great physical and psychological stress.

However, here again there is no scientific evidence of the benefits yet.

What do scientific studies show?

First study(4) Researchers working on mice sought to examine the effects of ecdysterone on leg muscle size. Mice received 5 mg/kg body weight of ecdysterone, two other anabolic steroids, or placebo for 21 days and had access to food and water. To mimic the effects of “athletes”, the mice were subjected to various physical tests aimed at stimulating muscle activity. Researchers found that ecdysterone increases muscle fiber size much more than other anabolic steroids studied!

In 2019, a second study(5) This time it was conducted in humans to test the effects of ecdysterone on strength in male athletes. Comparing individuals who took a placebo with those who took two different doses of ecdysterone, they found that those who took ecdysterone had significant improvements in their one-repetition max in the squat and bench press.

Buy Tricosterone

Amazon Affiliate Link. Prices mentioned in this article are indicative and subject to change.

Dosage and use

In the absence of robust studies, there is no clear consensus on the optimal dose of trichosterone.

In general, we find recommendations ranging from: 200 and 800 mg dailyin the form of standardized dietary supplements.

An 8-12 week course seems like a good starting point to evaluate the effects of this substance.

It is best to seek the advice of your doctor before taking Trixosterone, especially if you are taking medication.

What are the risks and side effects?

No serious side effects have been reported with trexosterone at normally recommended doses.

However, some users describe mild digestive problems (nausea, diarrhea).

There is little data on the long-term tolerability and safety of this dietary supplement.

The last word

Although promising on paper, the true effectiveness of trexosterone in humans has yet to be confirmed by rigorous, large-scale clinical studies.

For now, caution remains necessary regarding the marketing claims surrounding this dietary supplement.

(Tags for translation) What is Triosterone?
The truth about this plant steroid

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