Health and Beauty

Medicinal properties of Uncaria Tomentosa from Amazonia

Nature's secrets never cease to amaze us. The plant is called cat's claw or Ancaria tomentosa (Also known as Liana Peru or Cat's claw) is one of them with its amazing hidden virtues for our body. Originally from the Amazon region, this mysterious plant has captured the attention of researchers and alternative medicine enthusiasts in their quest to improve their overall health.

Let's discover together how this wonderful plant can help us solve our common problems, while offering other benefits to our well-being.


  • Cat's claw contains active ingredients such as tannins and alkaloids that have anti-inflammatory properties. These ingredients may be effective in treating pain associated with chronic inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis.
  • The plant is also rich in natural antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals, which helps prevent joint problems and chronic conditions.

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Properties and benefits

Cat's claw contains certain active ingredients such as tannins, penta-oxyindole alkaloids (such as metraphylline) and specific pentacyclic acid which contribute to its effectiveness against inflammation.(1).

These components act individually or synergistically to modulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as TNF-α, interleukins 1β and 6), thus providing a potentially significant reduction in the inflammatory process.(2).

Scientific studies have shown that these active ingredients can be effective in treating pain associated with some chronic inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, suggesting a potential therapeutic benefit for people with inflammatory disorders.(3).

Antioxidant properties

Another interesting aspect about cat's claw is its natural antioxidant content that helps your body protect itself from free radicals. These unstable molecules are responsible for accelerated cell aging, and also contribute to the development of chronic and degenerative conditions.

By neutralizing the effect of free radicals, the antioxidants in cat's claw help support the good health of your body, especially bone health, by preventing the onset of joint problems associated with oxidative stress.(4).

Strengthening the immune system

Research on this plant has also highlighted its ability to strengthen our immune system, through modulation of Th1 and Th2 cytokines. This means that Samento, as it is also called, can help your body defend itself against various infections or diseases, even COVID-19.(5) !

Forms and dosages

This wonderful plant can be consumed in several forms:

  • in Infusion or DecoctionThis is done by boiling a few grams of bark in water for about ten minutes.
  • in Capsuleswhich allows precise dosing of active ingredients.

It is important to keep in mind that each form has its own dosage. In general, a daily dose of 250 mg to 1000 mg of dry extract titrated to 3% pentacyclic oxyindole alkaloids is recommended. However, I invite you to refer to the manufacturer's instructions when it comes to marketed nutritional supplements.

Precautions for use

First, it's important to remember that it's best to avoid some cat's claw supplements during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as they may be harmful to the fetus or newborn.

Cat's claw is approved as a dietary supplement or medicinal plant, and is generally considered safe. However, some side effects, such as stomach upset and nausea, have been reported. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the changes when starting treatment with this type of product.

The last word

The wonderful cat's claw, a valuable plant that has many advantages for our well-being, undoubtedly deserves our attention. From relieving joint pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to its beneficial effects on the immune system and preventing cardiovascular diseases, this plant offers us an incomparable natural treasure that deserves our attention.

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Medicinal properties of Uncaria Tomentosa from Amazonia

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