Health and Beauty

Nori Algae, a mine of nutrients to improve your health and well-being!

If you've eaten sushi in the past, you've probably tried nori seaweed! It has been used for a long time in Japanese cuisine, and has gained popularity in Western countries, especially for its nutritional properties. From sea to plate, let yourself be attracted by the various benefits of nori seaweed!

What is nori seaweed?

Nori algae or Porphyra umbilicalis is a type of red algae belonging to the Bangiaceae family. It grows mainly in temperate marine waters and is widely cultivated for culinary use. Beyond its slightly salty flavour, nori is particularly beneficial to human health.

Nutritional information

Nori seaweed, nicknamed “sea soy” in Japan, is 40% protein and contains many minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. An excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, studies also attribute significant amounts of magnesium and phosphorus as well as taurine, which is known to lower blood cholesterol levels.

What nutrients are in nori?

Vitamins Nori contains 8 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Two leaves of this amazing algae will be enough to provide you with the recommended daily dose of vitamins A, B1 and B2.

Metals : Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc and Nori Algae is a true mineral concentrate! One leaf will meet your iron needs for the day, and can contain up to 10 times the calcium found in milk.

Antioxidants Nori seaweed contains large amounts of carotenoids, flavonoids and phytonutrients known for their antioxidant properties. We find there in particular phycocyanin and its anti-radical action, but also phycoerythrin, an antioxidant pigment found only in algae.

Health benefits of nori

  1. Thyroid support : Iodine found in large amounts in nori can help maintain thyroid function. Essential for maintaining the basic functions of our body.
  2. Muscle boost Amino acids found in nori, such as alanine, lysine, or arginine, help maintain muscle strength.
  3. Anti-cancer action : The anti-mutagenic effects of algae limit the appearance or development of cancerous tumors.
  4. Help with weight loss : Low in calories and fat but rich in essential nutrients, nori is no longer needed to contribute to a healthy, balanced diet!
  5. Shn Strengthening the immune system : Some minerals, proteins and trace elements found in algae participate in the immune response, in particular by stimulating the production of white blood cells.
  6. Regulator of cholesterol levels : Its regular consumption would help lower blood pressure but also overall cholesterol levels.
  7. An ally against cell aging : Through the action of amino acids and its bioactive compounds, nori tightens skin cells and enriches the skin's natural radiance, causing an anti-aging effect.

Which nori seaweed to buy?

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How to consume Nori?

Although fresh seaweed can traditionally be enjoyed in some Asian countries, it has become known here mainly in other forms.

In dried leaves

The most common form. Nori is sold in dried square sheets, garnished with raw vegetables and rice and then rolled like sushi, or cut into strips to combine in many recipes.

Add it to ramen or Japanese omelettes, use it in rice balls or flavored crab meat cakes. Unlike other seaweeds such as wakame and kombu, nori does not need to be rehydrated before use, making it particularly versatile.

Store away from heat and moisture, in an airtight container!

This dried and roasted seaweed provides a delicious, slightly salty flavour, while being rich in nutrients.
Image credit © KilliLoves

In brilliance

Nori is found in every produce department around the world, and true to its name, it also comes in delicious and nutritious flakes that can be mixed with other ingredients or sprinkled on your plates just before serving.

A great way to enhance the flavors of eggs, seafood or miso soup for example. Pair it with rice dishes, vegetables and stir-fried tofu or make it the centerpiece in a pesto and vinaigrette sauce.

In nutritional supplements

Seaweed, taken in tablet form, can be an excellent nutritional supplement to correct potential deficiencies. Each tablet will contain a healthy amount of iodine and minerals, and is suitable for people who need daily supplementation.

side effects

As with most foods, nori seaweed should be consumed in moderation or the various side effects may outweigh its benefits. For example, its high fiber content, which is essential to aid in digestion, can lead to gas and bloating if the recommended daily intake is exceeded.

People at risk of thyroid disease should also remain wary of the high iodine content in seaweed, which can affect thyroid function and the effect of associated medications.

Did you know ?

Nori, which is so popular today, was never exported! After World War II, when Japan had to rebuild and the need for food increased, the nori industry was in decline. The pace of production is very slow, and the farming methods used are not suitable for the expected demand.

The work of British botanist (botanist who specializes in the study of algae) Kathleen Mary Drew Baker on the organism Porphyria umbilicalis ultimately served as the foundation for modern methods of growing and cultivating nori.

A monument has been erected in Oto, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, in memory of Kathleen Baker, who today is still considered the savior of Japanese nori culture. It is a testament to the essential place that this little red algae occupies in the country that people never stop talking about it!

Nori Algae, a mine of nutrients to improve your health and well-being!

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