Health and Beauty

How much exercise is enough to relieve lower back pain?

there Chronic lower back pain (CLBP) is a major health problem that affects a large number of people around the world. Persistent lower back pain can be so severe that it prevents people from working, making it a major reason for missing work.


CLBP is not just an individual problem, it also has a significant impact on society. Because of the absenteeism it causes, overall productivity can be affected, resulting in a significant economic cost.

In addition, chronic lower back pain can reduce the quality of life of people who suffer from it, limiting their daily activities and overall well-being. Exercise has been identified as a promising strategy for the management of CLBP, but the question of optimal training frequency remains open. That is exactly what this study is(1) seeks to determine.


To understand how strengthening muscles can help reduce chronic low back pain, researchers conducted an experiment with three groups of people:

  1. The first group (31 people) trained once a week (training session with lumbar extension);
  2. The second group (20 people) performed the same training twice a week;
  3. The third group (21 people) did not do any training. This group was there to compare what happens when you don't do any exercise.

The researchers measured each person's strength at the beginning and end of the 12-week study. The people who trained worked at an intensity of 80% of their maximum strength for the group that trained once a week, and at an intensity of 80% and 50% for the group that trained twice a week.


The groups that exercised once or twice a week achieved significant increases in muscle strength, improved range of motion, and reduced pain. These results confirm the effectiveness of physical activity in alleviating symptoms of chronic low back pain.

It is worth noting that the effectiveness of exercise in reducing pain did not differ significantly between people who practiced one exercise session per week and those who practiced two. In other words, just one exercise session per week was just as beneficial as two in reducing pain.

Conversely, the control group, which did not do strength training, saw no significant change in their pain level. This underscores the importance of movement as a strategy for managing chronic low back pain.

Analysis and interpretation

These results indicate thatJust one exercise with lumbar extensions per week is sufficient to increase strength and reduce pain in patients with low back pain.

This suggests that even minimal participation in sports can have significant benefits for people with chronic low back pain. This is encouraging for people who have difficulty finding time to exercise.

practical application

The results of this study can be directly applied to the daily lives of people with chronic low back pain. If you are one of these people, you might consider adding exercise to your weekly routine. This could be as simple as doing a swimming session or doing specific back exercises.

What's really encouraging is that you don't need to do sessions every day to see the benefits. Even just one session a week can make a difference.

What to remember

The results of this study open new perspectives for the management of chronic low back pain. They have shown that even minimal physical activity, such as a weekly session, can have significant beneficial effects.

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How much exercise is enough to relieve lower back pain?

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