Health and Beauty

These are the new موقع العدسة yogurts that are taking our shelves by storm

Sheep's milk yogurt, soy yogurt, almond milk yogurt, raw milk yogurt… It's hard to find your way between all these names! An informed consumer can quickly find themselves lost among all these types of yogurt. Which is better for your health? Fewer calories? Adapted to my own diet? Let's go through all these products to sort things out…

From the Neolithic era to the fresh produce section of our supermarket

Yogurt consumption is not new. according to Jean Denis Fini, zooarchaeologist, research director at the National Center for Scientific Research and coordinator of the leCHE study, dairy farming begins at the same time as domestication. “Cattle farming was part of the first Neolithic societies in Europe in 8900 BC,” he explains. Traces of cheese have been found in some large Polish plains dating back to the beginning of the Neolithic.

Around 6000 BC, nomadic tribes in Central Asia discovered the health benefits of fermented milk. In fact, the milk skins carried by travelers naturally fermented thanks to the development of bacteria. This precious liquid is known to bring health and longevity.

Over the centuries, yogurt has gained popularity all over the world. It was considered a real medicine at the beginning of the twentieth century, and doctors prescribed it to relieve digestive problems.

Danone yogurt was sold in pharmacies in the early 1900s.
Image rights © Danone

In 1904, Elie Metchnikoff, a student of Louis Pasteur, isolated the bacterium Lactobacillus bulgaricus, which is responsible for fermenting yogurt. The world associates the amazing longevity of the mountain peoples of the Caucasus with their high consumption of sour milk. He won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research.

In the 1920s, yogurt left the drugstore aisle and invaded supermarket aisles in the United States. Advertisements tout its health benefits and high calcium intake. The 1950s saw the same yogurt craze that became popular in France and the rest of Europe.

Manufacturers compete in the ingenuity to make flavored yogurts that are more delicious for kids (and adults, too). “Thin” or 0% sugar-free and 0% fat-free yogurts were born in the 1990s and 2000s, in response to growing demand from figure-conscious consumers.

Cow's milk, for raw consumption!

Homogenized, pasteurized or sterilized milk has undergone many transformations in recent years. Why ? Simply to increase its shelf life. However, milk modified in this way loses a significant portion of its nutritional benefits and may be an allergen.

“The European Grassland Study, conducted over 15 years with 1,000 children living in rural areas, showed that those whose mothers drank raw milk during pregnancy, and those who had contact as children with a wide range of bacteria were more resistant to infections and less susceptible to allergies.” Dominique Angel Vuittonprofessor emeritus of clinical immunology.

This is also an opinion Veronique Richez LerougeJournalist and founding president of the Fromages de Terroirs association: “High cooking distorts the physical and chemical composition of milk, thus affecting its functions and digestibility.”

Raw cow's milk, i.e. refrigerated once it comes out of the cow's udder, is an interesting source of probiotics. These bacteria, which are beneficial to our gut microbiome, have seen renewed interest in nutritional terminology in recent years.

Probiotics, taken in fermented milk (kefir for example), alleviate digestive problems and significantly improve transit. It is also believed to have a positive effect on the immune system, helping us stay healthy and live longer.

Sheep milk yogurt and goat milk

We have noticed that yogurt made from sheep and goat milk is very popular in recent years. They provide a stronger taste than traditional yogurt, interesting for those looking for new flavors. But are they really better for your health than their cow's milk counterparts?

No allergies and no calories

Cow's milk is increasingly blamed for many problems: poor digestion, a source of casein allergy or lactose intolerance, etc.

From this standpoint, you should know that yogurt made from goat or sheep milk is not a real solution.

He points out that the proteins found in cow, goat and sheep milk are very similar Brigitte CoudrayNutritionist: “There is a high risk of simultaneous allergy to goat and sheep milk. (…) As for lactose (natural milk sugar), it is present in the same amount in the three types of milk and can be a source of intolerance. On the other hand, yoghurt (from goat or Sheep, editor's note), are more digestible thanks to their ferments that can replace lactase (the enzyme that allows good digestion and absorption of lactose) that some adults lack.

Another fact to know: Sheep and goat milk contains, on average, twice the fat content of cow's milk. Not ideal when watching your calories.

Yes to nutrients and cholesterol

Although goat and sheep milk yogurts are fattier than their cow's milk counterparts, they still seem more interesting from a health standpoint.

First of all, they contain fewer fatty acids that cause LDL, the famous “bad” cholesterol. These yogurts are also about a third richer in nutrients: proteins, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B2, B9, B12, etc.

We can better understand the enthusiasm among athletes and healthy food lovers.

Special mention to sheep's milk, which is often artisanal, conventional and organic. It is eaten plain for its mild, sweet taste or flavored with traditional yogurt (vanilla, red fruits, chocolate, etc.).

New vegan yogurt: interesting?

Let's see now what happens with plant-based yogurt, an alternative to animal products that is becoming more and more popular.

Originally intended for people with allergies and lactose intolerance, it has been adopted by more and more people committed to animal rights and veganism.

Vegan desserts are also finding their fans among people who are afraid to eat cow's milk. In fact, some claim that this white liquid is not always good for our health, especially when consumed in excess, and has been overly promoted by dairy industry lobbyists.

For this reason, those who aspire to follow a vegan or just a healthy diet are turning in droves to plant-based yogurt. What are its benefits to the body compared to yogurt made from cow's milk?

Soy yogurt

Soybeans have been cultivated for thousands of years in China, and until now were mainly used to feed farm animals. However, it has become “fashionable” in recent years in our Western countries.

Soy yogurt is a good alternative to animal products, it is an excellent source of lactoferments, proteins and vitamins (zinc, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, etc.).

Its consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stomach cancer and diabetes.

Soy milk yogurt
Be careful, he noted Angelique HulbertNutritionist: Soy-based yogurt found on supermarket shelves generally contains calcium phosphate. Recent scientific studies have indicated the risk of cancer and kidney disease resulting from consumption of this additive.(1). So choose organic soy yogurt whenever possible…
Image rights © Adobe Stock

Almond milk yogurt

What about almond milk? It is prepared by cold pressing almonds, which produces a very fine yogurt with a velvety texture.

On the health side, it has many advantages that tip the scales in its favor: antioxidant (vitamin E), low in calories, easy to digest (fiber and absence of lactose), cardiovascular protector (essential fatty acids, etc.).

However, be careful, and read the label of your almond milk yogurt carefully, as these products are often very high in sugar.

Almond milk yogurt
To control the composition of almond milk yogurt, the ideal solution is still to make it at home, but this requires a little time and financial investment.
Image rights © Adobe Stock

Coconut yogurt

Coconut yogurt is made from coconut milk (which can be added with a little coconut water). For those who love the exotic flavor of coconut, it is a treat in the mouth!

It is often fermented, and provides the same benefits as traditional yogurt. He confirms: “It does not contain cholesterol, and its fats and medium-chain fatty acids are not stored. Rather, they are used directly to provide energy.” Florence Foucaultnutrition specialist.

Coconut milk yogurt
Since coconut yogurt is high in fat, we should still avoid eating it with every meal.
Image rights © Adobe Stock

Oat yogurt

Oat yogurt is another interesting alternative to cow's milk. Main advantage: It has a very satiating and “appetite suppressant” effect, which is especially suitable for people prone to cravings. Easily digestible, it is a source of energy and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. We also notice its cosmetic effect on the skin, which has been known for thousands of years!

Again, pay close attention to the labels of the products you buy in the supermarket: unfortunately, they often contain food additives and preservatives that are harmful to the body. Also take a look at the added sugar content in yogurt.

Oat yogurt
Oat yogurt is a healthy and delicious solution to consuming dietary fiber.
Image source © A Bicyclette

Rice sweets with vegetables

What about desserts made with rice milk? Here again, we appreciate the benefits of these 100% digestible plant products that do not contain lactose.

Rice, a grain that has been cultivated almost forever, is a good source of B vitamins. However, we regret the absence of essential proteins and minerals for the body.

Rice with yogurt
Stir-fried vegetables with rice, a creamy and lactose-free dessert.
Image source © MoRice

In conclusion, I can only recommend a varied and balanced diet. Alternate your consumption of cow's milk, goat's milk or soy yogurt according to your current desires and convictions, without necessarily leaning too heavily towards one or the other.

(tags for translation)From the Neolithic era to the fresh produce section of our supermarket
These are the new موقع العدسة yogurts that are taking our shelves by storm

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