Health and Beauty

Origin, benefits, ingredients and homemade recipe

Granola is a crunchy, nutritious mixture made from oat flakes, dried fruits, oilseeds, and honey. It is a food associated with a healthy and natural diet.

Origin Granola Unconfirmed, but it appeared in the United States in the 1860s, and was consumed at that time by sanatorium enthusiasts, who advocated a healthy lifestyle. In the 1960s, granola spread through the hippie counterculture, searching for a natural, tonic food.

Today, granola has become a staple for fans of a healthy and enjoyable breakfast. Its popularity continues to grow. Let's take a closer look at the ingredients of this delicious crunchy mixture.

Composition and ingredients

The granola base is oatmeal. In addition, in general:

  • Subordinate Dry fruits Such as raisins, dried apricots, dried cranberries, dates, figs, or papaya.
  • Subordinate Oilseeds Such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, or pumpkin seeds.
  • Subordinate Seeds Different types, for example flax, chia, sesame or sunflower seeds.
  • Subordinate Natural sweetenersbasically honey or maple syrup, which adds a touch of sugar and allows the ingredients to stick together.
  • Subordinate fat Such as vegetable oil or butter for browning and crispiness.
  • Subordinate spices Such as cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, or nutmeg.

These different ingredients are mixed and then baked to obtain the distinctive crunchy texture of granola. The proportions and types of ingredients vary between recipes.

Homemade granola recipe

For eight 50-gram servings:

Shares8 servingsA quarter (two servings)Half (4 servings)Default (8 servings)Double (16 servings)Triple (24 servings)
to prepare10 minutesto cook30 minutesTotal time40 minutes

200 g oatmeal

100 g Nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.)

50 g Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, flax, etc.)

50 g Dried fruits (grapes, apricots, cranberries, etc.)

2 Tablespoon Butter or oil (olive, canola, coconut…)

2 Tablespoon Syrup (maple, agave, honey…)


Mix the dry ingredients.


Stir in the sugar and fat binder.


Spread on a baking tray and bake for 30 minutes at 150°C, stirring to get nuggets.


Leave it to cool for an hour, then add the brittle dried fruits.


Store in an airtight jar.

Nutritional values

Shares 8

Amount per service
Calories (kcal) 225
% daily value*
Fats 9g14%
Carbohydrates 30g10%
Dietary fiber 2.5g10%
sugar 15g
Proteins 5g10%

* Reference intake for a typical adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal). Reference intakes and serving sizes may vary based on age, gender, and physical activity.


200 g oatmeal

100 g Nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.)

50 g Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, flax, etc.)

50 g Dried fruits (grapes, apricots, cranberries, etc.)

2 Tablespoon Butter or oil (olive, canola, coconut…)

2 Tablespoon Syrup (maple, agave, honey…)



Mix the dry ingredients.


Stir in the sugar and fat binder.


Spread on a baking tray and bake for 30 minutes at 150°C, stirring to get nuggets.


Leave it to cool for an hour, then add the brittle dried fruits.


Store in an airtight jar.

Health benefits

Granola is a healthy and nutritious food. Here are the main benefits:

  • he Rich in fiberThanks to oats and dried fruits. Fiber enhances intestinal transit and provides a satiety effect.
  • that it A source of vegetable proteins Large, with grains, oilseeds and seeds.
  • Granola Provides many essential vitamins and minerals Iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, and vitamins B and E in particular.
  • It contains a percentage of fiber Positive effects on intestinal health. Fiber feeds the good bacteria in the gut.
  • Antioxidants found in dried fruits, oil seeds and spices Providing antioxidants Mother-in-law.

However, its nutritional value can vary greatly depending on the ingredients and quantities used in recipes.

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Culinary uses

Granola is mainly consumed in breakfastIn a bowl with milk, yogurt or cheese. It can also be garnished with fresh fruits.

He is also a A healthy and nutritious snack. The crunchy mixture will keep for several weeks in a dry place.

It can be used in baking, cooking and in many preparations:

  • In topping On collapses, Pies With fruits or vegetables.
  • Drizzle on cakesa cake or loaf of cake;
  • Sprinkle on salads complex;
  • Mixed in cheese Or yogurt.
  • Added to juices Or fruit bowls.

Disadvantages and points of alertness

Although granola is considered a healthy food, consuming it is not without some drawbacks.

High caloric density

The first reservation concerns the calorie density of granola, which is very high due to its sometimes generous fat content. Indeed, fats added during cooking, such as oil or butter, as well as oilseeds found in recipes provide a lot of calories.

So, for a 50 gram serving, it can easily contain 225 to 250 calories. It is therefore recommended to respect reasonable portions, generally 30 to 50 grams maximum, and not to consume too much granola at the risk of unbalancing your diet.

Muesli and granola: Are they healthier than traditional cereals?  - newspaper

Muesli and granola: Are they healthier than traditional cereals?
Saturday at any cost – YouTube

Variable sugar and fat contents

Another downside concerns the sugar and fat contents, which vary widely from recipe to recipe. In fact, many commercial granolas are rich in both of these ingredients, with added sugar or syrup in large quantities combined with very fatty cooking.

This somewhat distorts the intrinsic nutritional qualities of granola and makes it a high-calorie product. It is therefore advisable to be careful about the composition of recipes, preferring less fatty and sugary versions, or better yet, by making homemade granola with selected ingredients.

Allergy risks

Because granola contains a lot of nuts, such as walnuts or almonds, it poses a high allergy risk in sensitive people. Oilseeds are indeed powerful food allergens.

The presence of certain seeds, such as sesame or soy, can also cause allergic reactions. It is therefore essential for people with allergies or intolerance to read commercial product labels carefully before consumption.

What to remember

Thanks to its high nutritional density, granola is a favorite snack as part of a balanced diet for athletes. When consumed in reasonable quantities and at the right time, before or after training, granola allows you to store lasting energy to be at the peak of your physical abilities and recover quickly.

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Origin, benefits, ingredients and homemade recipe

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