Health and Beauty

for whom ? Why ?

Low vitality, fatigue and chronic diseases, overeating, obesity, excessive stress, sedentary lifestyle, depression, the body is increasingly crowded with toxins due to poor metabolism in the digestive system… What if we fast?

Fasting is abstaining from eating solid (or indigestible) foods for several days. It is also called “water fasting.”

Fasting has existed empirically since the dawn of time. For Dr. Helmut Lutzner, head of the Fasting Clinic in Germany, “Fasting is a lifestyle provided by nature (sick animals fast spontaneously), a human behavior independent of body, soul and spirit.”

Fasting is a real “survival programme”, forcing the body deprived of external nutrition to rely on its own reserves.

Why fast?

All our daily diseases are partly due to our unhealthy lifestyle (rich and unnatural diet, stress, sedentary lifestyle, lack of contact with natural elements, etc.). Organs and tissues become increasingly clogged with waste, and the extracted cells (liver/intestines/gallbladder, kidneys, skin, lungs) are no longer able to do their job properly.

The body's ability to regain balance (homeostasis) is strained. Consequences: general pollution, excess toxins in the body, chronic fatigue, loss of vitality, and a weakened immune system.

By maintaining the energy-intensive function of assimilation (digestion), all the vital force of the body is directed towards the function of elimination and regeneration. During this period of natural cleansing, the body has the opportunity to get rid of a large number of unnecessary waste.

At the end of the fast, our fluid humors (blood, lymph, etc.) are cleansed of circulating waste, and our rejuvenated internal organs lead to a state of mental clarity so often sought by those who are accustomed to fasting. It is a wonderful moment that helps clarify our thoughts, and makes us more capable of making good decisions for our life path.

This is one of the reasons why all religions use fasting as a gateway to spirituality. It is also a good way to make a fresh start by changing some bad habits in our life. Some people take the opportunity to quit smoking or reduce their alcohol consumption.

Fasting for several days is a guarantee of improving your immune system and your psycho-physiological tone. Fasting is a preventive and deliberate act for the benefit of our mental, physical and spiritual health.

It is also a good way to realize the importance of leading a healthier lifestyle all year round by trying to find a balance between pleasure, conviviality, self-esteem and health.


The term autolysis comes from the Greek word meaning “loss of self.” Autolysis is the phenomenon of self-digestion, intracellular digestion.

During fasting, the body feeds its cells: first, glucose (glycogen) and proteins are consumed, then fats are mainly consumed as an energy source.

This is the process of targeted self-cleansing of the body, accompanied by increased elimination of toxins that would normally clutter the body. Fasting only activates the “inner doctor” by placing a person in conditions that are conducive to self-healing.

Thanks to our immune system and its excellent regulatory capacity, everything will be regulated, stimulated, coordinated and regulated… in an intelligent and disciplined way!

How do you fast?

Duration : At home, with good knowledge, you can start with two or three days of fasting. In France, there are accredited centers, run by a group of organizers, that provide support for fasting for 6 or 12 days.

to prepare : We avoid starting with a fast during the night, otherwise the detoxification will be very rapid and brutal, causing various small or rather unpleasant symptoms such as headaches or nausea. In some people, it is better to empty the digestive tract to facilitate entry.

The same goes for Broken youth You should not start drinking coffee, eating meat, and taking stimulants again overnight… In the midst of the cleansing process, the body needs healthy foods in small quantities. Resuming fasting allows you to gently restart the digestive mechanism and enhance the investment of fasting therapy by continuing to benefit from this general cleansing.

In principle, a week of fasting, a week of preparation (eating) and a week of recovery should be taken into account.

If in doubt, you can always fast for two or three days, knowing that it is only from day five or six that you really start to feel the first effects.

You can practice fasting on your own at home or under the supervision of a specialized institution. Doing fasting on your own requires more motivation and it is necessary to find out in advance, especially in the first experience. Fasting should not be taken lightly!

What are the symptoms of fasting?

It is common to notice a drop in blood pressure (it takes a few seconds to go from lying down to standing), minor pains due to old physical traumas, a more irritable and emotional mood, feeling cold (due to indigestion), slurred tongue, bad breath, nausea, headaches, and migraines for a day or two. (Especially in coffee drinkers, stimulant users, etc.).

Natural and beneficial healing crises may also occur while you fast; This is the best way to accommodate people (health or medical care centers) that can correct or adjust your health (legs, monohydrate, fruits…) at the function of your objects or your body. Health status.

In addition, being in the company of a health professional, supported by the energy of the group and away from your social and professional context (children, office, kitchen, etc.), makes the experience easier and unique to live.

When to fast?

Spring and fall are generally more suitable for the fasting period, but your body will intuitively tell you that it is time to take a break. Nice sunny weather is the best!

What are the contraindications?

If the French are still reluctant to embark on fasting, the experience of millions of fasting people abroad (Germany, Russia, Canada, etc.) shows that fasting is very beneficial for health.

However, you must respect certain contraindications or, as is the case in Germany, be followed by doctors in a therapeutic fasting clinic. Please note that its prescription by a doctor is prohibited in France.

Fasting is contraindicated in cases of eating disorders, weak immunity, chronic depression, weak heart and arrhythmia, cancer, peptic ulcer, kidney disease, tuberculosis, pre- and post-surgical conditions, nutritional deficiencies, retinal detachment, advanced liver or kidney failure, and hyperactivity. Decompensated hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes (insulin dependence), oncological diseases, multiple sclerosis, etc.

Warning: Fasting is not recommended for people with bulimia and anorexia, so as not to aggravate their eating disorders. It also requires sufficient vitality, that is, a good ability of the body to stimulate self-healing. If in doubt, consult a physical therapist. Enjoy your fast!

for whom ? Why ?

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