Health and Beauty

Enjoy food and lose weight with this Japanese principle

It's no secret: the Japanese are known to have one of the longest life expectancies in the world. Many people believe this is due to the large amount of vegetables in their diet and the fact that their foods are not as processed as those consumed in our Western world. While this is partly true, there is another factor worth considering.

In this article, I invite you to discover how the Japanese tradition of Hara Hachi Pu can help you lose weight, improve your digestion and become healthier.

Origins of Hara Hachi Bou

Hara Hachi Bu, also known as Hara Hachi Bunmei (腹八分目), is a Confucian teaching that literally means “80% stomach.” This practice originates from Japanese culture It consists of eating until you are 80% full, allowing you to control portions and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Hara Hachibu is a custom that is particularly prevalent in the Okinawa region of Japan, which has the largest population of centenarians in the world.

This practice arose from the culture and philosophy of Zen Buddhism, which encourages moderation in all things. The concept of eating until one is 80% full is also linked to the practice of mottainai, which means not wasting resources and enjoying every bite of food.

Although Hara Hachi Bu is a traditional practice, it remains relevant to this day. In modern Japan, where food is often plentiful and the temptation to overeat is great, Hara Hachibu reminds people to take their time and not get carried away by excess. This practice has also gained popularity outside Japan, where it is considered an effective way to maintain a healthy weight and support digestion.

How Hara Hachi Bu Promotes Weight Loss

Hara Hachi Bu is located on Portion control And the glut. By eating less and listening to our bodies, we can lose weight naturally. In addition, this practice reinforces better Lifestyle It contributes to longevity.

Why do we eat 80% full?

Hara Hachi Bu helps maintain an ideal body mass index (BMI) by teaching us how to achieve fullness by eating smaller amounts of food. By avoiding filling our stomach completely, we prevent it from getting used to expanding over time, which can increase your appetite, increase the amount of calories consumed and ultimately make you gain weight.

Trials around the world have shown that groups who practice calorie restriction have a higher than average life expectancy.

Apply Hara Hachi Bu daily

Adapt to your board

To apply Hara Hachi Bu, you must learn how to compose your own songs Dish In a balanced way and listen to it Feeling hungry. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Fill half your plate with vegetables;
  • A quarter of the plate should be allocated to proteins;
  • The last quarter should contain complex carbohydrates.

Feel free to diversify your foods to benefit from all the necessary nutrients.

  • Take time to eat : Eat slowly, savor every bite, and focus on the taste and texture of your food.
  • Listen to your body : Stop eating as soon as you feel full. You can also take a break in the middle of your meal to assess your satiety level.
  • Use smaller plates and bowls : This can help reduce the amount of food you eat while making you feel like you're eating a full portion.
  • Avoid distractions Turn off the TV, put your phone away, and focus on your meal. Distractions can keep you from feeling your full potential.

Japanese food traditions

Inspired by Hara Hachi Bou Food traditions Japanese. The Japanese prefer healthy and natural foods, such as fish, vegetables, rice and green tea. To learn more, read this article about the Okinawan diet.

Digestion and the importance of habits

Digest well with Hara Hachi Bu

Hara Hachi Bu also has a positive effect on digestion. By eating smaller portions and chewing food well, the digestive system works more efficiently and nutrients are better absorbed. Plus, by taking the time to savor every bite, you'll enjoy your meals more.

The importance of eating habits

It is necessary to adopt it Habits Healthy foods to enjoy the benefits of Hara Hachi Bu. This includes eating slowly, respecting portions, and listening to feelings of hunger and fullness. Over time, these habits will become natural and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Eat mindfully

One of the most important things to help you control your diet is to keep your phone away from you, or at least out of your hands, while eating. We will also not watch TV during the meal. This will prevent you from overeating, because the mind is so distracted by screens that we don't even realize that we are full. If you really want to practice Hara Hachi Bu, start by putting away your phone, turning off the TV, and focusing completely on your meal.

So how do you know exactly when you've reached the 80% threshold? Many people who are accustomed to eating until they are completely full may find it difficult to estimate this percentage. How can we train ourselves to recognize this moment to stop eating?

The first thing you need to do is pay attention to the time it takes to eat. It takes 15 to 20 minutes for the brain to send a signal to the stomach that it is starting to fill. Therefore, it is recommended to eat slowly until you feel full while eating smaller amounts of food.

Some other tips to keep in mind are to put down cutlery after each bite, chew slowly and prefer vegetables before eating more caloric foods.

Hara Hachibu and mental health

Hara Hachi Bu is not only good for the body, but it can also have mental health benefits. Taking the time to eat slowly and mindfully can reduce stress and anxiety and promote a feeling of calm and relaxation. Additionally, practicing moderation can help develop a balanced mindset and avoid excess in other aspects of life.

Your frequently asked questions

Do I have to count calories to follow Hara Hachi Bu?

No, Hara Hachi Bu focuses on listening to your body and adopting healthy eating habits rather than counting calories.

Can I eat sweet or fatty foods while following Hara Hachi Bu?

Hara Hachi Bu prefers a healthy and balanced diet, but it is not forbidden to indulge in it from time to time. The important thing is to respect portions and eat in moderation.

Can Hara Hachi Bu help reduce the risk of chronic disease?

Yes, Hara Hachi Bu can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity by promoting a balanced diet and portion control.

What to remember

Hara Hachi Bu is much more than just an eating habit. It is a way of life that encourages moderation, awareness, and gratitude towards food and life in general. By adopting this practice, you can improve your physical and mental health, reduce food waste, and adopt a balanced approach to life. So why not try Hara Hachi Bu with your next meal? You may be surprised at the benefits it can bring to your life. Remember: eating slowly and savoring every bite is the secret to a long, healthy and happy life!

(Tags for translation) Origins of Hara Hachi Bu
Enjoy food and lose weight with this Japanese principle

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