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Muscle gain program!

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Have you ever heard of German Volume Training (GVT), this training method popular among gym enthusiasts? BodyBuilding ? Did you know that it was widely popularized in the 90s by celebrities? Charles PoliquinFamous coach? GVT is a strength training method that can truly transform your training style. If you're ready for an extreme challenge, read on to find out how GVT could be the key to your challenge Gain more muscle.

What is German Volumetric Training?

GVT is based on a simple but brutal principle: execution 10 sets of 10 reps For every exercise. That's what we call it 10 series method. Without a goal? incentivizeEnlarged cell size Muscle growth, that is, the growth of your muscles, through high training volume.

The idea behind GVT is to cause extreme muscle fatigue. By forcefully stressing a muscle group, we create mechanical stress that triggers an adaptive response from the body. This means that our muscles will grow to adapt to this high level of stress.

However, recovery is no less important in the case of GVT. Why ? Because during the recovery period, the body repairs and builds muscles. Therefore, by combining high training volume with adequate recovery, we maximize muscle growth potential.

Who is GVT?

GVT is for you if you are looking to do so Muscle gain And improve your power And your endurance. However, it requires a significant commitment in terms of time and energy, as the workouts are intense and long. Additionally, due to its intensity, GVT may not be suitable for those new to the world of strength training.

To get started with GVT, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Choose exercises Compound movements that use several muscle groups are preferred. For example, squat, bench press, barbell row, etc.
  • Determine the appropriate load : Your workload should be between about 60 and 70% of what you can lift at one repetition max.
  • Manage sets and repetitions : Aim to perform 10 sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise. This is where the principle of GVT lies.

The importance of progress

In JVT, L Progress necessary. If you can complete 10 sets of 10 repetitions with a certain load, it is necessary to increase the load even by one or two kilograms. This is how you create gradual overload, which is a major factor in thisEnlarged cell size muscular.

Examples of GVT program

Training tips : Do not neglect preparation before carrying out your session. Before doing the first exercise, start with some joint warm-up, then do a specific warm-up: 2 or 3 light series of the first exercise, increasing the load, until you reach the effective load that you will maintain to perform your exercise. series. Take a maximum of 5 minutes of rest between each exercise. As the training weeks progress, remember to increase the load according to your RPE.

  • Click on the exercise title for a detailed explanation of performing the movement.
  • Click on the icon temporary To start a countdown of the remaining rest time before your next set.
  • To calculate your fees, use this correspondence table to help you. RPE / number of repetitions.

3 sessions per week

Here is an example of a three-day GVT program (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) that you can follow:

First session: legs and abdomen

Romanian deadlift for hamstrings
Abs crunch machine bodybuilding exercise

Second session: chest and back

Bench press Bench press
Bodybuilding back row exercise
The pullover bar exercises the back muscles

Session 3: Shoulders and arms

Military press shoulders exercise bodybuilding
Alternate dumbbell curl long and wide biceps
Triceps brachii vertical extension using a high pulley

Please note that this is just an example program. Feel free to diversify your exercises with the help of our exercise bank.

4 sessions per week

Here is an example of a four-day GVT program (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday):

Session 1: Pectoralis and triceps

Inclined chest press exercise


Chest dips training program

Second session: Back and biceps

Vertical chest pull back exercise
Biceps curl exercise in bodybuilding

Session 3: Legs and abs

Breakout legs squat exercise
High pulley abs workout in bodybuilding

Session 4: Shoulders and trapezius

Shoulder press machine Basic shoulder press exercise
Dumbbell shrugs work the upper trapezius muscles

The goal is always to do this 10 sets of 10 reps For every exercise. As with the three-day program, feel free to vary the exercises.

The last word

German volume training is a powerful and proven training method. It is intense and demanding, but above all effective. With the right approach and mindset, GVT can be a tremendous weapon in your training arsenal Gain more muscle.

However, remember that GVT is just a tool. Like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how you use it. Above all, don't forget that Recovery Good nutrition is as important as the exercise itself.

RPE / Correspondence table number of iterations

RPE table
Estimated number of repetitions based on RPE (rate of perceived exertion), in French The level of effort you felt.
Table credit ©

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Muscle gain program!

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