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Training tips : Do not neglect preparation before carrying out your session. Before doing the first exercise, start with some joint warm-up, then do a specific warm-up: 2 or 3 light series of the first exercise, increasing the load, until you reach the effective load that you will maintain to perform your exercise. series. Take a maximum of 5 minutes of rest between each exercise. As the training weeks progress, remember to increase the load according to your RPE. Perform one full arm exercise each week. It is possible to perform the biceps-focused session (Program 3) and the triceps-focused session (Program 4) on different days. If intensity is respected, it will be sufficient to ensure progress.
- Click on the exercise title for a detailed explanation of performing the movement.
- Click on the icon temporary To start a countdown of the remaining rest time before your next set.
- To calculate your fees, use this correspondence table to help you. RPE / number of repetitions.
Beginners programme
Below is a standard program that will allow you to work your arm muscles well. Since it is made up of small muscles, it will not be necessary to do a large number of sets. For each exercise, choose a heavy load that allows you to maintain good technique and, above all, work with a full range of motion. There's no point loading a huge barbell or picking up heavy dumbbells, if it's just a matter of performing a very small back and forth motion while swinging like crazy with each rep.
EZ Curl Office Bar
- 4 sets of 10 reps
- RPE8
- Focus on technique with full scope
- Rest time 2 minutes
Classic training program
A typical arm training session. Simple and effective. Here you can exercise the long and short parts of the biceps, as well as the brachialis. On the triceps side, all three heads will also be used for maximum muscle development.
Spider curl
- 3 sets of 8 reps
- RPE8
- Perform a maximum contraction at the top of each movement.
- Rest time 1 minute 30
- 3 sets of 8 reps
- Feel free to add weight if 8 reps with body weight is too simple.
- Rest time 1 minute 30
Special program for biceps
You have time to train and your goal is to get big biceps. Here is a special program to eliminate the biceps muscle and force it to grow quickly.
A special program for the triceps muscle
The triceps are the arm muscles that are often unfairly relegated to second place behind the biceps. However, it is these muscles in the back of the arms that mainly contribute to arm size. If your goal is to get massive, sculpted arms with the famous triceps horseshoe, here is an ideal program that you can do once a week.
- 3 sets of 10 reps
- RPE9
- Feel free to add weight if 8 reps with body weight is too simple.
- Rest time 1 minute
Program to exercise your arms at home
The arm muscles are one of the easiest muscles to work. Do you have a pair of adjustable dumbbells with a weightlifting bench? You won't need anything else to build muscle!
pumps Elbows are tight
- 4 sets of maximum repetitions
- Instead of dipping your elbows out, keep your elbows close to your sides to maximize triceps work.
- Rest time 1 minute
RPE / Correspondence table number of iterations
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(tags for translation)Beginner Program
Arm strength training programs
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